Pecan Pie Pecan Pie

Pecan Pie

  • 2 hours cooking time
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Place all the dough ingredients into a mixer fitted with a dough hook. Knead until combined.
Remember to not knead for too long, as the dough should simply be uniform and sticking together. Leave the dough to rest for half an hour. Then roll the dough thinly and place it into a pie dish. It is not necessary to butter the dish as the dough is already buttery. Press it firmly into the edges and bottom. Place the dough in the fridge whilst the filling is prepared.
Preheat the oven at 190C/170C fan/gas mark 5.
For the filling, stir the sugar and Lurpak® butter in a bowl. Whip eggs, golden syrup, vanilla and salt into the mixture. Sprinkle the pecan nuts in the bottom of the dish. Pour the filling on top. Wrap tin foil around the edges of the pie.
Bake for 5 minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to 160C/140C Fan/gas mark 3 and let it bake for 40-45 minutes. After 30 minutes, remove the tin foil. Keep baking until the dough is slightly brown and the stuffing has set. Remember to keep an eye on your pie during the process.
You can check if the pie is done by putting a fork into the stuffing. If it can be removed without moist stuffing, the pie is done.
Cool the pie completely, before serving it.
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Lurpak® Slightly Salted Butter

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